Previous incidents
Degraded hosting performance / stability
Resolved Mar 29 at 01:55pm CET
We have identified the root cause and implemented a fix, we will continue to closely monitor the platform.
1 previous update
Issues with calls to/from Germany
Resolved Feb 29 at 01:00pm CET
Issues with calls originating from and to Germany are no longer observed.
We will continue closely monitoring our services related to interconnects with Germany.
4 previous updates
Issues with calls to/from Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom
Resolved Feb 09 at 01:02pm CET
We have received an update from the upstream provider that the networking issue is now resolved. Our preliminary checks have confirmed this.
We are closely monitoring our upstream(s).
In case you are still experiencing issues with reachability or audio quality, please contact us over the standard support channels.
2 previous updates